The BOG invites you to attend the
November 2018 NSA BOG Meeting
On Thursday, November 1– 7:00 p.m.
At Pathway Church 2001 N. Maize Rd.
Basement room B016
Park in East lot, come in main East doors
Go down the stairs and follow the circle
Pathway Church
Members and guests are always encouraged to attend.
Each meeting has an Open Forum agenda item scheduled early in the meeting. This is the appropriate time for members to address the Board about items of concern.
If you have an item to present that is likely to require a lengthy discussion or presentation, the Board would appreciate receiving an email, outlining the issues, a few days ahead of the Board meeting. Your email should be sent
Alternatively, you may send your comments by mail to The Ninnescah Sailing Association, PO Box 1587, Wichita, KS 67201
If you have an article or picture you wish published in the Mainsheet please send to Articles or pictures for the website send
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: September 3
Labor Day Dinner
Later Event: November 4
Annual Meeting