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SetSail KS!

SetSail Kansas - the Ninnescah Sailing Association’s public awareness campaign to introduce all South-Central Kansans to the fantastic sailing opportunities and amenities just outside their door.


Welcome to the NSA

SetSail at the Ninnescah Sailing Association. Just 20 miles west of Wichita, at Sailboat Cove on Cheney Reservoir, you’ll find a premier sailing facility, great wind and good people who love to sail and have fun.

Founded in 1965, the NSA is the largest sailing association in the state, strategically located on one of the best sailing lakes in the nation. An open-membership, non-profit organization, we are a community of sailing enthusiasts of all ages, occupations and backgrounds - novices to national champion racers. All are welcome to SetSail at the NSA.

Click here to learn more about how you can SetSail at the NSA!

Recent Videos:

For information about NSA’s membership in Yachting Club of America and how to log in, go to the LOG IN page.


Upcoming Events

Thurs, Apr 10th — 7pm Board of Governors Mtg

Sat, Apr 12th—Afterdeck Unavailable: Wine Tasting Moved to May 10

Thurs, May 8th — 7pm Board of Governors Mtg

***Sat, May 10th — NEW DATE for Wine Tasting at the AD***


We invite you to

Contact Us

Questions? Contact us, we are happy to help answer any questions you have.

Join the Crew

Join and become part of our sailing community.


Our Mission 

Our mission is to promote the sport of sailing, sportsmanship, and water safety in Kansas.


Our Mainsheet

NSA publishes a monthly newsletter called the Mainsheet. News, events, regattas, social events, and articles are published to keep members aware of the many current activities. 
The Mainsheet is distributed by email to all members the week after the NSA monthly board meeting.

For more information contact the Mainsheet editor at

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